Augmented Reality Marketing: How To Use This New Technology For Your Marketing Goals
Augmented reality (AR) is defined as a live, direct view of the physical environment augmented by computer-assisted sensory input including sound, video, graphics or GPS information. As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one's current perception of reality. When AR is combined with mobile commerce or mCommerce, large retailers poise themselves in the front of the pack by deciding and planning their marketing strategies in using this system. Augmented reality marketing is now being coined as the new and hottest marketing techniques out there.
[caption id="attachment_260" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Augmented Reality Marketing[/caption]
"The biggest story is that people are becoming more attached to their PDA's and using them more in their daily lives", said Al Ferrera, national director of retail and consumer product practice at BDO USA, Chicago. A recent survey of the chief financial officers from the top 100 largest retailers found that 100 percent of ten of the largest retailers and 54 percent of the rest studied said that they planned to increase their mobile investments in 2012.
By implementing AR with the mobile apps, large retailers are able to touch their customers more closely while creating a more intriguing experience for the consumer when presenting their products and services. Augmented reality marketing entirely enhances the shopping experience by artfully attracting the consumer's attention and allowing them to virtually participate in their shopping experience.
A good example of this is a company that created an AR mobile app for the iPhone where the app gets frames from an eyeglass company and allows consumers to virtually try on various frames and styles. This interesting app also allows the consumers to send photos of themselves through the various social networks in order to glean the opinion of friends, who might be able to give good advice. This web-based AR mobile app generated a 50 percent month to month increase in revenue for this particular company while 30 percent of the visitors participated in what AR had to offer. Large retailers are also experimenting with AR and mCommerce apps that allow consumers the ability to virtually try on jewelry or even apply make-up.
Our entire shopping experience is currently being completely transformed by augmented reality marketing. Not only will shopping become easier and faster, it appears that it's going to become much more interesting as well. As of now, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg of a new and exciting approach to cutting edge marketing.
Augmented reality marketing is the bleeding edge of mobile marketing techniques; learn more about this new trend on our website.
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